The transition to post-career life represents a great challenge for every athlete. Sudden or not, with or without proper planning, personal and professional goals must be redefined in every case. Hockey Club Lugano is aware of how complex and delicate this phase of its players' lives can be.

To facilitate the professional transition after their playing careers, HCL has decided to collaborate with the company von Rundstedt & Partner.

In this way, the Bianconeri club reaffirms its mission as a sports organization that acts responsibly, supporting young players in its Youth Section to reconcile school and sports and assisting its professional athletes in planning their post-career life.

Von Rundstedt & Partner, a company belonging to the international von Rundstedt group, is present in Ticino in Lugano and Bellinzona. It primarily deals with talent management and career consulting through services aimed at individuals who are supported in their transition and professional development processes.

In practical terms, von Rundstedt & Partner can help players build a professional project by evaluating their skills and abilities. Through assessments, training, coaching, and market information, players can benefit from a necessary step to focus on their preparation for the second phase of their professional life.

These are the words of Marco Werder, CEO of Hockey Club Lugano:
"Athletes who have adequately planned their future tend to be calmer and more serene, which allows them to perform better on the field. The career of a professional athlete offers important prospects for success and income, but it is limited in time. HCL wants to act to promote better planning of the end of its players' sports careers. The tools and methods of von Rundstedt & Partner aim, through skill assessment, to prevent a difficult transition."

One of the first HCL players to benefit from this collaboration was Samuel Guerra:
"I recently had an assessment with von Rundstedt & Partner. It was very effective in helping me understand my current skills and have a clear picture to guide me in my career choices. I would certainly recommend this experience to my colleagues."

These are the words of Marco Costantini, Managing Director of von Rundstedt in Ticino:
"We are very happy to support Hockey Club Lugano in this forward-looking and socially responsible project, tailored to each professional player who decides to make use of our services. Working on their future employability as early as possible is, in my opinion, the best way to face the present with greater serenity."


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