The emotions of the 5th derby in 1 minute

The 5th derby of the season, played between the vaults of the Cornèr Arena, gave us 3 heavy points and many positive emotions. The summary of the evening in a minute production realised by HCL TV on a musical base specially produced by DJ EMA / BE (instagram account: @dj.emabe), musical talent linked to our territory and to the...

Advance sales open for Switzerland-Italy on 24 April 2020

After more than 14 years, Lugano will host again the Swiss ice hockey national team. On the 24th of April 2020 starting at 8.15 pm, Patrick Fischer's men will face at the Cornèr Arena Italy in the last friendly game of preparation to the World championship on Swiss soil. The Red Swiss will then spend the last week before their debut ...

Last tickets available for the derby

The last tribune tickets and the last tens of tickets for the stands are available for the derby HCL-HCAP scheduled on Tuesday 11.02 at the Cornèr Arena starting at 7.45 pm. The tickets can be bought on the Ticket Corner website and at the Ticket Corner presale points at Manor and at the post offices with at least...

Family weekend bianconera

Two measurable successes for the U20 Elit, who have thus further consolidated their third place in the standings. At five days to the end of the regular season Luca Gianinazzi's boys (in the picture Photobrusca & Luckyvideo the forward Lorenzo Canonica) can boast seven points of margin on Zug that occupies the fourth rank. Double away defeat

Der Abend der Legenden in einer Minute

Die 3 Legenden Bruno Rogger, Alfio Molina und Bernard Côté haben die Hall of Fame des HC Lugano eingeweiht und kamen in den Genuss der immensen Wertschätzung der Bianconeri-Anhängerschaft, an einem magischen und siegreichen Eishockeyabend. Die wunderbare Feier wurde vom HCL TV produziert und in einem einmütigen Beitrag eindrücklich zusammengefasst. (rsz) Die 3...

An Evening of Legends in a Minute

The 3 Legends Bruno Rogger, Alfio Molina and Bernard Côté inaugurate the Hall of Fame and enjoy the love of the people bianconero on a magical and victorious night. The recap of the evening in a minute-long production made by HCL TV The 3 Legends Bruno Rogger, Alfio Molina and Bernard Côté inaugurate the Hall of...

Bruno Rogger und seine Karriere

Am Mikrophon von HCL TV erinnert Bruno Rogger an seine damaligen Mitspieler und deren Dankbarkeit, damit er in die Hall of Fame der Bianconeri aufgenommen wurde. Ferner erzählt er intensive Momente seiner Karriere und dem Rollenwechsel auf dem Eis. (rsz) Am Mikrophon von HCL TV erinnert Bruno Rogger an seine damaligen Mitspieler und deren...

Presale for February matches at Cornèr Arena started

TheHockey Club Lugano announces that today, Friday the 31st of January 2020 at 12.00 noon, the presale for the National League games that the HCL will play at the Cornèr Arena in the next month of February has started: -Tuesday the 11th of February 2020, 7.45 pm, Lugano-Ambri -Saturday the 15th of February 2020, 7.45 pm, Lugano-Geneva -Saturday the 22nd of February 2020, 7.45 pm, Lugano-Berne...

Bruno Rogger and his career

At the microphones of HCL TV Bruno Rogger remembers his teammates and his gratitude to them for helping him get into the Hall of Fame bianconera, relives the two most intense moments of his career and his role changes on the ice At the microphones of HCL TV Bruno Rogger remembers the...

Family weekend bianconera

Return to the success after two defeats for the U20 Elit team that, on Sunday afternoon, came back from the long away game from Geneva with three heavy points in the classification. Luca Gianinazzi and Luca Morini's boys still occupy the third place in the ranking with four points ahead of Bienne (In the picture Photobrusca & Luckyvideo the defender Dylan...

The HCL remembers Peter Iten

Peter Iten, who played forHockey Club Lugano for three seasons between 1979 and 1982, died prematurely a few days ago at the age of 62. Growing up in the youth sector of Dübendorf, Iten arrived at the Resega at the age of 22 and, together with his linemates Martin Lötscher and Othmar Vogelsang (in the archive picture from left to right), composed...


Am Mikrophon von HCL TV spricht Julian Walker von seiner positiven Periode und zur aktuellen Tabellensituation der Bianconeri. (rsz) Watch the interview on HCL TV: A POSITIVE PERIOD FOR JULIAN WALKER Watch the interview on HCL TV: A POSITIVE PERIOD FOR JULIAN WALKER

Lots of HCL in the Swiss youth teams

As many as nine boys from the Youth Section ofHockey Club Lugano will be engaged during the break at the beginning of February of the different championships with the Swiss national teams of their category. Defender Mattia Comolli (class 2004), who recently took part in the Youth Olympic Games in Lausanne, will play in the Four Nations Tournament in Romanshorn with the U16 national team, led by...


At the microphones of HCL TV Julian Walker talks about his positive trend and the current situation in the league standings. Watch the interview on HCL TV: A POSITIVE PERIOD FOR JULIAN WALKER Watch the interview on HCL TV: A POSITIVE PERIOD FOR JULIAN WALKER

Drei Legenden in die HCL-Hall of Fame

TICKETS KAUFEN Im Zusammenhang mit der Partie Hockey Club Lugano gegen den HC Davos, von Freitag, 31. Januar 2020, in der Cornèr Arena, werden die ersten drei Spieler in die Hall of Fame der Bianconeri aufgenommen. Wie bei den besten Eishockey-Traditionen üblich, ist die Hall of Fame dazu bestimmt, die besten und verdientesten Spieler, Trainer,...