The undersigned, holder of parental authority, hereby declares that the above-mentioned player will be a player of the Youth Section of HC Lugano for the 2024/2025 season in all respects.

The holder of parental authority authorizes the player to participate in all activities carried out by the club, including promotion and image activities related to the HC Lugano Youth Section. HC Lugano is also authorized to use any images taken during these activities for internal purposes or for third-party requests, provided that such images respect the player's privacy. In this context, the holder of parental authority authorizes the use of the player's data by HC Lugano and/or its partners within the framework of commercial initiatives from which the player may personally benefit, provided that the data is processed solely for the mentioned purposes.

The Club will provide the player with its technical and sports infrastructure and will endeavor to ensure the best possible preparation and training.

The player will be given a ticket for home games of the first team, either in the stands or in the San Salvatore curve, depending on the categories. Detailed information will be provided separately.

The player commits to contributing, according to the parameters requested by HCL SG, to fundraising activities such as the SKATEATHON.

The holder of parental authority commits to taking all necessary measures for the player's medical check-up, through the attached form, and for the player's insurance.


Every player is required to take out accident insurance that covers the costs of injuries on and off the ice during training, during or at ice hockey matches, and during the journey to and from such events. This insurance is usually included in the player's health insurance policy. The SIHF, HCL, and any other organizing clubs disclaim any responsibility in case of injury.

The HCL Youth Section recommends taking out individual liability insurance.


During data processing, Hockey Club Lugano takes all necessary measures to comply with data protection legislation. Hockey Club Lugano uses the data to provide the agreed services. I hereby consent that the data may be processed within Hockey Club Lugano and authorize Hockey Club Lugano to make available to third parties (suppliers, partners) the data necessary for the diligent execution of the mandates entrusted to them and/or for marketing purposes. Data is transmitted only if the recipients have committed to adequate data protection. Personal data is stored by Hockey Club Lugano in electronic and/or paper form. I acknowledge that, according to data protection legislation, I have the right to request information and, if necessary, demand the correction, blocking, or deletion of data processed by Hockey Club Lugano.

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