Following an idea by President Vicky Mantegazza, the Youth Section of Hockey Club Lugano organized a special evening on Monday, October 17, at the Centro Studi in Trevano, enriched by the presence of Stephan Lichtsteiner and Alessandro Chiesa. The event was dedicated to all players from the U20, U17, U15, and U13 teams, as well as all the coaches in the Bianconeri youth system.

Moderated by journalist Stefano Ferrando, the event retraced Stephan and Alessandro's careers from their childhoods through the crucial years leading up to their decisions to become elite athletes. It highlighted and shared the values (passion, determination, discipline, sacrifice, coordination with school, body and mind management, the famous Plan B in case of failure) that must accompany any young girl or boy aspiring to pursue a professional sports career.

The approximately 200 participants had the opportunity to appreciate the sincerity and quick wit of two true champions who have always inspired fans with their dedication and enthusiasm: Stephan Lichtsteiner, seven-time consecutive Italian champion with Juventus and the third most capped player (108) in Swiss football history, and Alessandro Chiesa, who played for Hockey Club Lugano for thirteen seasons and was Swiss champion in 2006.

Many questions were asked by a very attentive audience that undoubtedly absorbed the messages of the two champions. Topics included how to handle triumphs and bitter defeats, the fine line between fun on the field and the pressure from internal and external environments, and the credibility of the captain's role both within the locker room and in the eyes of the public.


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